Your ultimate shiny hair guide

 How can get Straight hair

some girls are going extreme lengths to curl their hairs, here is that section of girls who are trying to get silky straight virgin hair. You don’t need to use the adjust stick all the time to get the straight hair. You can get the straight and silky hair without harm them using the heat based products. Here are some natural hacks to get silky, shiny and straight hair without using a straightening iron.


Celery Leaves

Crush a few fresh celery leaves and mix them with a little water. press it to extract the juice and store it in the bottle. The bottle has to be left extra for at least a day, so as to allow the juice to develop properties and effectiveness for straightening. Using it regularly, preferably in the morning before bath will help in straightening hair. Massage it well on the scalp and leave it for 15-30 minutes, previous to washing it off with a shampoo.

Milk To Straighten Hair

This is a very popular method of making the hair straight using milk. Milk is known to have moisturizing properties, which are suitable for straightening the hair.

 Take half a cup of milk, preferably boiled and cooled. Then mix it with half a cup of water. Store it in a spray bottle and spray over the hair. Allow it to stand for half an hour, before shampooing the hair. This mixture will help in straightening as well as ease the hair naturally.

Rinse the Hair With Cold Water

Cold water does not allow the hair to shrink and so they remain straight. hot water opens the cuticles of the hair while cold water closes the pores. Cold water also lets the hair stay flat and prevents it from rolling. Some people are having a habit of using hot water to wash their hair on a regular basis. 

 But, it is not a good practice as this can give rise to stony and dry hair. Even there is a good chance that your hair will fall out.

Pick the Right Shampoo And Conditioner

Sun, heat-styling, chlorinated water and chemical styling processes leach protein from hair and make curly hair especially difficult to manage or style straight.

 Shampoos and conditioners that are protein-enhanced temporarily smooth the outside portion of the hair fiber, making strands glossier and more doable. Look for products that are labeled acid- or pH-balanced; many contain hydrolyzed keratin.

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