Natural skin care

How to skin care: 

Natural skin care uses topical creams and lotions made of ingredients available in nature.Much of the recent literature reviews plant-derived ingredients, which may include herbs, roots, flowers and essential oils, but natural substances in skin care products include animal-derived products such as beeswax, and minerals. These substances may be combined with various carrier agents, preservatives, surfactants, humectants and emulsifiers.

There are no legal definitions in the U.S. for advertising terms "natural" or "organic" when applied to personal care products.Consumers often express a preference for skin products with organic and natural ingredients. The personal skin care market based on natural products has shown strong growth.Clinical and laboratory studies have identified activities in many natural ingredients that have potential beneficial activities for personal skin care, but there is a shortage of convincing evidence for natural product efficacy in medical problems.

Some natural products and therapies may be harmful, either to the skin or systemically.People prone to allergies should pay careful attention to what they use on their skin. Dermatologists may feel that there is enough scientific evidence to assist in the selection or avoidance of particular natural ingredients.Plant extracts and herbs have been used by many cultures as cosmetics and perfumes since ancient times.

Research is scientifically assessing natural products, selected based on experience in the ancient era.Validated use of these materials and products awaits further assessment.Many countries require that the ingredient composition of skin care products is listed on the product, using the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) conventions. Ingredients are listed in the order of their percentage within the product; natural ingredients are listed in Latin and synthetic ingredients are listed by technical name.

"The U.S. government has documented more than 10,500 ingredients in cosmetic products, but only a small percentage of those chemicals have been tested for safety. Of those that have been tested, some have been identified as carcinogens (causes cancer), teratogens (causes birth defects), and reproductive toxicants (damages the ability to reproduce'.

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