Top 3 Secrets of Healthy Kitchen

Doctor's Advice following 3 steps for healthy diet.

must Eat when you are physically hungry, feel your body's signals.
Before you eat, ask yourself if you are really hungry or whether you are eating for reasons such as stress, habit or any other problem.
 Keeping an eating diary is a big way to help you determine your eating patterns.

 Eating 3 smaller meals with a couple of healthy snacks between is a much good way to  keep your metabolism working efficiently. Avoid skipping meals where possible as this can lead to overeating after on.

Eat  slowly and give yourself a chance to feel satisfied without feeling overfull. It also helps you actually taste the food you are enjoy it.

Don't multitask while you eat. If you're  watching TV while you eat, you won't be paying attention to what's going into your mouth- and you won't enjoy it.

 If you're craving something sweet, eat something sweet-just opt for a healthier alternative. Most importantly don't deprive yourself as this may lead to bingeing after on.

Keep your fridge  stocked with mostly healthy foods and healthier alternatives that will satisfy your needs. Place baskets of fruits and vegetables in easy reach.

Never starve yourself, especially before going out to eat.

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