foods that fight acne

6 foods to ease spring allergies

Spring is not only about sweet sound of koil's and the return of sunlight, but about runnying nose, itching eye, and continues sneezing.

Allergy in Spring season is not only very annoying, but it can also irritate us to make fun to be. 

So be Brave and Face it. 

There are many fighting heroes located right in your kitchen. 
Fighting with Spring allergies by food is not only better effective, but fun and spicy too. 

Following some foods that helps:

1. Honey

Local honey that is un-pasteurized and contains pollen. Its consumption of pollen is an antidote against general allergy
symptoms and also helping you to build up immunity from the local pollen.
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Take a single teaspoon or two in a day. 
Caution: Please avoid to feed unpasteurized honey to children under the age of one year.

2. Collard greens

 Very rich carotene green leafy vegetable, pigments that aid in fighting allergy symptoms. Eating of collard with some fat source can increase the absorption of the carotenoids.
Spicy Salad

Lightly mix with some olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, and red pepper flakes. Use as a wrape of spicy salad.

3. Red onion

        Quercetin is a flavonoid that founded in red onion. This phytochemical is a highly natural anti-histamine.

Enjoy red onion caramelize them, Slowly cook red onions in some olive oil on slow burner to bring delicious flavor and concentrate quercetin. Carmalized onions are great on a steak, burger, or white meat.

4. Salmon

The fact about wild caught salmon is very interesting for you that it can help to reduce inflammation. 

Must try to increase your monthly salmon intake to 2-3 times in 7 days. Avoid taking fish oil suppliments

5. Pineapple

        Pineapple has contains an particle called bromelain. 
The bromelain in pineapple is not only blended meat in a marinad, but also fix irritation and inflammation of your mind.

pineapple juice is a very effective way to get a rich bromelain. Try it with Banana 
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6. Kiwi
As similar to citrus fruit and bell peppers, kiwi is rich in vitamin C. 
Foods that rich in vitamin C can cut down on histamines, the pesky chemical that trigger many allergic reactions.

Use foods to avoid allergies is a natural effort and heal-up your immune system against illness and before time oldness.

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