what is Dates eating benefits and side effects?

Health comfort of Eating Dates:


On the glycemic index (GI) scale, dates are considered to be a low GI food (or a total less than 55). A 60-gram serving size of dates has a GI score of 42,

which is lower than bananas (GI score of 48) and grapes (GI score of 59). For best blood sugar control results, stick to serving and portion sizes along with hold consistent meal and snack times.

Lower Hypertension Risk:

Relative to its potassium content, dates can reduce the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension). Consistent high blood pressure can damage the heart and weaken blood vessels. If left untreated, hypertension may cause further heart-connected conditions including heart attacks and congestive heart failure. Potassium further lessens the likelihood of abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmia).

Lower Cholesterol :

The high fiber content of dates can lower cholesterol levels by binding and excreted cholesterol from the body. Dates have also been suggested to reduce triglyceride levels, a type of fat in the blood. Keeping both cholesterol and triglycerides within healthy levels lowers the risk of heart disease including heart attack and hit.

Weight Management:

Foods high in nutrients and fiber may lead to weight loss and maintenance. Specifically, high bulk diets have shown to contribute to healthy body mass guide (BMIs) compared to diets low in fiber.

Guts Regularity:

Dates are especially recognized for their dietary fiber contribution. The high fiber content (1.6 grams per one date) group dates into a "laxative food" and is used to manage and alleviate constipation.

Side Effects of dates:

Can base Skin spots:

Dried fruit like dates can also cause skin rashes, and the culprit, once again, are the sulfites. Rashes can also be caused by die near in many dried fruits, dates being one of them.

Can Forefront To Fructose bigotry:

The natural sweetness of dates comes with the fructose they contain (at least a part of it). Certain individuals experience difficulty digesting fructose, which leads to a condition called fructose intolerance. The sugar is not properly draw up which makes it pass through your digestive system as a whole (as your body is not able to break it down).

Can Cause Weight profit:

Though dates are high in thread, they also are relatively high in calories and energy density – and can contribute to new weight gain. Dates contain 2.8 calories per gram – which simply means they are medium energy density foods and can lead to weight gain.

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