dewy skin, Fit body, Next-level energy

How to make fit body

This workout is juslty standard, but the results you’ll get are far from normal. Your arms will be pushed to the max so you can get the most out of every round.All you need is a pair of dumbbells! Dumbbells are an awesome piece of tools to buy if you’re just earn into working out.

Make sure you buy dumbbells that aren’t too light or too heavy—if you can do 10 curl reps with medium effort, you’re most likely lifting the right amount of weight and this is a 45/15 workout, so you’ll push yourself for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 to complete a round. You advance to the next stop only after you finish 4 rounds at the old stop.

The Busy Woman's Guide to a Great Body

Do it in the morning

Nothing major has likely cropped up yet — hey, it's only 7 a.m. Now is the time to get in that run or yoga DVD. In fact, research advise that women who work out in the morning stick with their programs more successfully than those who don't. Not a morning person? Become one. (We know: It's painful at first, but it's worth it.) "The longer you wait in the day to work out, the more excuses you can find to put it off," says Carol Espel, national director of group fitness at Equinox Fitness Clubs. 

"Get it out of the way early so you don't have to think about it later on." Another reason to follow the sun? You'll start your day with a smile. A study done at the University of Glasgow in Scotland found that early-bird exercisers felt significantly happier than those who worked out later in the day. Here's a trick to help you avoid the urge to stay under the covers: 

Keep an eye on your workouts , literally.

At least one week in advance, write down all of your workouts and stick the list someplace you'll see it often — like on your fridge. "If your routine isn't right in your face, it's easy to 'forget' about it," says Mike Monroe, program director of in New York City.

 In fact, research done at McMaster University in Ontario has found that writing out workouts in advance makes you more likely to stick with them. one more motivation trick: Write your workouts for the week on three-by-five note cards, and as soon as you do them, toss 'em. "Your aim is to finish the week with no cards,

Time-Saving Tips

You want to work out today. You really do. But what with groceries to pick up, personal calls to make that you didn't get to at work, a dog that needs to go to the vet, and a billion other control, your motive is fizzling.

We get it — in fact, we've been there many times. Here, an entire month's worth of smart advice on how to work out no matter what, from top fitness master and real women who find time for fitness on an (almost) daily basis.

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