How would make you happy

  How we can get  living a Happy Life : 

Being happy isn’t that difficult. We like to make it out to be this unachievable goal, but in real life it’s all about making the right choices and thinking the right thoughts. If you feel like you could use a helping hand when it comes to living a happy life – take a look at these 15 tips. But don’t just read them, scoff and forget, instead try to apply some of these tips to your life for at least a month and you’ll see how much lucky you will feel.

                                      Find fresh air:

Make time to go outside in the day, rain or shine. Just 30 minutes in the sun can boost your mood, according to a University of Michigan study. But even on cold days, a breath of fresh air is, well, refreshing.

                                      Sit down and eat:

The Italians have practically made this an art form. They know that ready and eating meals together can help you bond with others, and just all around enjoy life more. If your crazy plan seems to never leave room for a sit-down meal, opt for easy prep meals and fit them in on weekends.

                                    Pick a perfect snack:

Snacking between meals can curb hunger and satisfy your cravings. So when your belly starts to rumble, go for it! Whether you're in the mood for salt or sweet, healthy snacking is a great way to sneak extra nutrients into your day.

                                 Work your muscles:

Not only does working out do wonders for your body, but physical activity also update  your overall well-being and health. "Exercise, yoga, or any kind of regular party helps get you out of your head," says Baraz. "In addition to being a healthy activity, it triggers endorphins that have a great effect on lifting your self It makes you come active.


Traveling is a great way to see how other people live, learn about new music, explore new places, get away from your daily routine and give yourself a break. It makes us more cultured and open minded. Traveling can have a great effect on happiness, so definitely give it a try. Also, remember that you don’t have to spend a chance travelling overseas, you can always just go to a different part of the country you’ve never been to before, or just a new city. It’s all about a change of your setting.

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