Best time- saving beauty tips

we get natural beauty at home:

First dream of every woman is to look beautiful and for this, they are ready to do every possible thing. No girl would like to spend hours in front of the mirror and so they search easy beauty tips, face whitening remedies and advice for looking grand and neat.

we get natural beauty at home:When it comes to skin care, it is best to go back to Nature. Because it is safer and better than synthetic ingredients. Ayurveda is the early science of healing and a reservoir of many best-kept beauty secrets of Nature. Here’s a lowdown of the best and most effective Ayurvedic face packs that can give you aweasom  and glowing skin.

Home Remedies for Pimples, Glowing Skin and Dryness

Every year we start new set of aim to follow diligently till the end. While many fail in their attempt, there are a selective few who do succeed. It's all about dedication after all, and the determination to meet the goal. These aim could be anything, which out you the sense of achievement, bringing about your well-being.

Patchy Pigmentation Problem:

This annoying discolouration of skin is basically an internal problem which can cause havoc with your look. Fret not, this wonderful exfoliator will help reduce dark filful pigmentation, thus clarifying the skin. You can easily use it daily as part of your skin care routine -

3 tsp oatmeal

3 tsp almond powder

2 tsp honey

The juice of half a lemon

Milk to make a smooth paste


Mix all the ingredients well together and apply on the skin for 5 minutes, drop with milk when semi dry and wash off with water.

Dark Circles:

Dark circles can make you look older, ill and tired. A quick recipe to reduce dark circles is to rub almond oil and papaya mash around the eyes and apply the following mask -

2 tsp almond paste

1 tsp grated cucumber

A few drops of lemon


Put a thin bandage gauge on the eye area and put this mask on while lying down to relax. Leave on for 10 minutes and wash off

whitening Mask:

Fairness and skin whiteningis ever so much in demand, however, I personally feel that the quality of skin is more important than the colour. But, if you are one of those who crave for a fairer skin then this mask will surely help you -

Half a potato, grated

The juice of half a lemon

1 tsp cucumber, grated

1 tsp neem paste

1 tsp rose petal paste

2 tsp sandalwood powder


Mix the ingredients well together and apply onto the skin for about

10 minutes. Wash off with water. You can very safely use this on follow day,

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