Capsicum benefits:


Capsicum (/ˈkæpsɪkəm/;[3] also known as peppers) is a genus of flowering plants in the nightshade family Solanaceae. Its species are native to the Americas, where they have been cultivated for thousands of years.

Following the Columbian Exchange, it has become cultivated worldwide, and it has also become a key element in many cuisines.

How to Select:

Choose peppers that have deep vivid colors, taut skin, and that are free of soft spots, flaw and darkened areas. Their stems should be green and fresh looking.

 Peppers should be heavy for their size and firm enough so that they will gently yield to small pressure. Avoid those that have signs of rot cover cut to the skin or water-dip areas.

Better Your Eyesight:

Apart from the fact that you can use capsicum in a variety of culinary delights, its nutrients are good for your eyes too. People crossing their 50s are more susceptible to age related macular degeneration a variety of other eye linked problems.

 However, incorporating capsicum regularly can help you prevent falling prey to the symptoms linked  with falls. Capsicum can also help you drive clear of macular degeneration as it contains plenty of vitamin C and carotenoids.

Skin Care:

The company of photochemicals and antioxidants in capsicums keep your skin nourished and young. Consuming capsicums and carrots on daily basis clear rashes and blemishes as they both are rich in iron.

Toxic substances and the pollutants are the root causes of  harmful skin. But a high amount anti-oxidant in capsicums stop the skin from the harmful bang of free radicals. It also reduces the early symptoms of ageing and keeps your skin beautiful and young

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