coconut oil best for skin:

Why is coconut oil  good for the Health and  skin?

Coconut oil is one of the most skillfuly known and widely used oils in the world today. However, it was not so well known to the northern district in the new past. A rush in medicinal research and an increase in awareness about the very beneficial things of this oil have lead to its growing popularity the world over. But, it is also the most discuss oil among health group.

Coconut oil as a cream:

I read online how good coconut oil is for extend marks. Therefore I wanted to try it out.It is a natural ingredient perfect to use on  heavy women and babies. When pregnant, I decided to avoid harsh chemicals. That’s when I started using it on my bump to keep it moisturized and hopefully prevent any stretch marks.sadly, my body rejected its smell gave me sickness. So I had to stop using it and can’t talk much about this topic.  But as little as I used it I was lovely satisfied with the results.

Coconut oil as a makeup remover:

This is probably my favorite way to use coconut oil. You power already know about my obsession with oil-based makeup removers since I find the one from The Body Shop. See my full review here.Although I haven’t tested it out with waterproof makeup yet, so far it has worked very well for me.I tend to use it as a first cleanser in the evening.

This is because it leaves a tiny sheet of oiliness on my skin. In terms of usage, it’s not too difficult. All you do is grab some of the product onto your fingers, rub it into your hands until it melts and then massage it onto your face using circular motions.After that rinse with warm water or use a damp face towel. And you’re done!Now your face is clean and moisturized at the same time.

Coconut Oil May Boost Memory:

The difference between the fats in coconut oil and other dietary fats is that coconut oil consists of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) whereas other fats mainly come with long-chain fatty acids.What is unique about medium-chain fatty acids is that they are well metabolized by the liver turning them into ketones. Ketones have been found to be a useful alternative energy source to the brain and could be beneficial to those who are grow or distress from memory impairment such as Alzheimer’s disease.

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