Guava is best for our body:

Benefits of Guava for Skin and Health:

Guavas  are common tropical fruits cultivated and enjoyed in many tropical and subtropical regions. Psidium guajava  is a small tree in the myrtle family , native to Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. Although related species may also be called guavas, they belong to other species or genera, such as the "pineapple guava" Acca sellowiana. In 2011, India was the largest producer of guavas.

Protects Our Skin from UV harm:

One of the best beauty benefits of guava is that it is very effective in safe our skin from the harmful UV radiation of the sun. This can be attributed to the presence of lycopene in guava. Lycopene is an anti oxidant which is capable of protecting our skin cells from UV damage. Sun subjection can increase the free radicals activities in our body.

Lycopene fights off the free radicals, stabilizes them and thus protect our skin cells. Studies have shown that 100 gm of pink guava contains almost twice the amount of lycopene found in tomatoes. Guavas also contain vitamin C, which plays a vital role in safe our skin opposed to  the sun.

healthy skin:

Guava is a great toner for our skin. It helps in improving skin feel due to its high concentration of vitamins and minerals. Guava is particularly high in vitamin C, which boosts collagen production in the skin. Collagen is responsible for keeping our skin smooth, soft and wrinkle free. That’s why guava is known for its capacity to improve skin feel, tighten saggy skin and restore the lost elasticity of the skin.

Controls Blood Pressure:

Guava has no cholesterol in it, which makes it a great choice to control our blood pressure level. Moreover, guavas are very beneficial to keep the arteries and vessels clean, due to its rich fiber content. This way guava control blood flow, which is necessary to prevent excessive blood flow to our heart. Also the hypoglycemic benefits of guava help to reduce blood pressure effectively. Studies have shown that foods which lacks fiber adds to blood pressure.

Dental Care:

Guava is known for its capacity to treat oral problems. The guava leaves have been used traditionally to cure toothache, expand gums as well as oral ulcers. The anti inflammatory properties of guava leaves accelerate healing process, while its anti bacterial properties destroy the bacteria that cause toothache and other oral problems.

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