stress proof flowers that work like valum

Some flowers are good for us:


Chocolate Cosmos is also one of the scarce flowers in the world. It is dark reddish brown in color and have a scent like a chocolate and therefore the name. It is considered to be the species of Cosmos and mostly found in Mexico. The flower is considered to be one of the rare beautiful flowers because of the set environmental condition that it required for its fledged growth. It requires rich, well-drained soil and full sun. There is only one single clown of the flower is live today.


Rafflesia Arnoldii is the world’s largest flower as they grow in a three feet area and weigh up to fifteen pounds. They are also known as the big known flower in the world. It is also known as body flower. It is one of the three national flowers in Indonesia. The other two are white jasmine orchid.

In the year 1993, it was officially declared as one of the rarest flowers in the world by in Presidential order. A nice  feature is that it has no roots and leaves. Rafflesia Arnoldii comes under rare beautiful flowers because of upset by tourists and collecting of flower buds for traditional medicine.

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