Anti-aging bomb blue foods

blue foods

Experts believe free radicals that bombard  our cells and tissues are responsible for approximately 40 or more age-related causes of death and disease.

Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day can help keep your skin beautiful,healthy and youthful-looking.  the amount of water you need depends on your size and activity level, sipping water throughout the day and never letting yourself get thirsty is a very  good guideline.
“Not drinking enough can result in an increased appearance of wrinkles and lines and creates more dry areas and dullness,” says clinical nutritionist Ariane Hundt. “Drinking enough is key to keeping a healthy glow,beauty and that dewy appearance.”

Free radical damage is caused by smoking, recreational and legal drugs, pollution, sun, chemicals, poor sleep quality and stress. Even oxygen that we breathe damages the cells.

 however, because of the American diet where two thirds or more of people do not even receive two servings a day of fruits and veggies, we do very little to supplement antioxidants through the food we consume.

Those late nights you pulled in college are doing no favors to your skin. they could be the reason you’re looking a little worse for wear. “Sleep is one of the very important physiological processes,” says Sarah Greenfield, a registered  and Education for HUM Nutrition. “While we are sleeping, our bodies are repairing, detoxifying and our hormones are being balanced. The lining of the GI tract is turning over to ensure your body can absorb all the nutrients you are eating to keep your skin beautiful,healthy and happy. Adequate sleep improves circulation around the eyes decreasing puffiness and dryness.”
 data from the Department of Nutrition, Arizona State University, Tempe, indicate citrus or berry consumption amounts to less than one serving daily.

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