Carbohydrates how mush is too much

carbohydrates good for health

Carbohydrates your body uses for energy fall roughly into the categorie of sugars and starches. these are broken down into simple sugars in your bloodstream.

 While fiber is also a carbohydrate, it isn't broken down and it is beneficial for your digestive system.

You may want to cut back carbohydrates as part of a diet for diabetes or weight management.

Fruits: Many fruits are naturally high in sugar, such as  bananas and figs. Dried fruit has very concentrated natural sugar and may have added sugar as well. Canned fruits may be packed in a sugar syrup. But fruit is part of a healthy diet and many contain beneficial fiber,vitamins and vitamins, so check a list of low-carb fruits you can enjoy with less of a sugar load.

Vegetables: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn are examples of  very high carb, starchy vegetables. A quick way to think of whether a vegetable is starchy is from the root up. Root vegetables and seeds are often the most highest, followed by the fruits of the plant, with stems and leaves being lowest. But there are low-carb vegetables you can choose from any part of the plant. Vegetables can be a  very good source of fiber.

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