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How can students reduce stress: 

Stress is something all high school and college students are familiar with. You need to get to class on time, make sure you do your homework, and study for exams. Then, there’s the extra pressure of trying to fit in socially. Juggling all these things at the same time can fast wear you down.
To help you navigate through your high school or college life without earn overwhelmed, here are somechelpful ways of eown stress for students.

Study Effectively:

Exams and getting good set are a constant source of stress for all students. By learning to study effectively, you’re able to feel more confident going into exams.
More importantly, it will help you get better grades, which ultimately lessens the stress that comes with worrying whether you’ll pass the class or not.

In her book “Learning How to Learn”, author Barbara Oakley explains that our brains like to learn through frequent repetition. This is why we can still remember the multiplication and division tables we memorized many years ago. The constant repeating over a long period of time helps increase concepts into our brains.In contrast, doing an all-nighter to delay for an exam may allow you to pass the test. 

The number of college students who suffer from stress-related illness appears to be on the rise. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, enrollment in degree-allow institutions increased 11% from 1991–2001 and another 32% from 2001–2011.

What’s more, survey data from the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors suggests that many large institutions have not get pre-2008 slowdown budgets. The cards are stacked against counseling centers that have lower budgets and fewer money that must help more students than in the past.

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