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The Physical & Mental Benefits of Meditation

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel flood by thoughts and emotions. Emotional overload often results in stress and anxiety – and we all know the damage this can create on our health.

Nowadays, experts around the world agree that practicing a few minutes of mindfulness every day can make all the difference. The physical and mental benefits of thinking are well-documented… and very convincing.

Better sleep is one of the most appealing physical benefits of mindfulness practice. We all know what it’s like to toss and turn – almost half of people worldwide hurt from sleep issues of some kind and 85% of workers in the US report having lost sleep because of job-related stress.

Studies show that people who practice daily thinking enjoy better, longer sleep than non-meditators. Indeed, a Dutch study cited by UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Magazine found that even ten minutes of guided meditation and other available practices a day for just two weeks led to an enhanced quality and duration of sleep. Note that some meditators find practice sessions so relaxing that sleeplessness isn’t the problem… sleepiness is!

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