All-natural mineral will help you sleep better

Poor sleep:

Poor sleep can ruin anyone’s day. There are so many little things that go into gain a good night’s sleep however overall good health is basic. Yet, whenever someone has a bad night’s sleep, it can fail health, which then compound sleep. So, it’s important to break the cycle. Normally, people turn to medications, yet natural extra are becoming popular.

 Minerals for Women's better  Health and sleep


Magnesium is an key mineral that is involved in more than 300 enzyme and metabolic reply. Low levels in the body can cause mood, headaches, muscle weakness, irregular heartbeat, muscle spasms or twitches, constipation, and insomnia. In addition to maintaining normal muscle and nerve function, magnesium helps to keep your heart rhythm fast and supports a healthy immune system.

Magnesium is as important as calcium in developing and keep bone health, so an ideal bone support supplement will contain equal amounts of both calcium and magnesium.Magnesium is also involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis, since the body ned. it for completing certain chemical reactions regard to the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.


minerals, Calcium is present in the highest amount in the body mostly in the bones. Calcium is key for the formation of bone and teeth, for clotting of blood, contraction of heart and muscle etc. A lack can cause 'Osteoporosis' in which decalcification of bone occurs. Even minor accidents can cause fractures.

In children, a deficiency can cause a drop rate in growth. Small fish eaten along with bones, skim milk powder etc are excellent sources and milk, milk products like curd, sesame seeds, ragi, green leafy vegetables like carrot leaves, drumstick leaves etc  are other good spring. The daily advocate allowances for calcium is Adults 400-500mg, children between  400- 700 mg.


A greater part of the Iron in the body is present as Haemoglobin. Iron deficiency causes anaemia and is widely common among children, young girls and expectant and nursing mothers. Cereals are the most important sources of iron for Vegetarians and the other important sources are legumes, gooseberry, green leafy vegetables, dried fruits (peanuts, raisins, dates, cashew nuts) and jaggery. Meat, fish and eggs are also important sources of iron.

The daily recommended allowances for iron is Adults 20-30mg, children between15-20 mg, pregnant and nursing women need more iron.

Best for skin:

The importance of minerals in skincare has been severely miss, especially in comparison to the attention vitamins for skin receive. Minerals are essentially the “spark plugs” of the body, carrying out important bodily functions through enzyme reactions. They facilitate the transfer of nutrients across cell membranes with important assistance from vitamins.

In addition, they maintain PH balance and proper nerve conduction, contract and relax muscles, provide structural support, and regulate tissue growth. As you can see, minerals are a must to maintaining a healthy functioning body, but also to maintain healthy lively skin. Having a focus on skin in my practice, many of my clients who at first come to me are deficient in minerals in general, but in particular ones that can be very helpful in repair and maintenance of skin.

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